東京アート iPhone アプリは日本語と英語でアートの展覧会の情報を調べることができます。言語を変更するは設定 -> 一般 -> 言語環境 -> 言語
Areas included:- 銀座、新橋
- 上野
- 清澄、お台場
- 日本橋、九段下
- 表参道、青山
- 新宿
- 渋谷、世田谷
- 六本木、赤坂
- 中目黒、恵比寿
- 武蔵野、多摩
- 横浜、神奈川
- 関東:その他
2D:書道, イラスト, デッサン, グラフィックス, 絵画, 写真, 版画, その他
3D:建築, 彫刻・立体, 工芸品, ファッション, 家具, インスタレーション, プロダクト, 陶芸, その他
スクリーン:映画, デジタル, ビデオ・インスタレーション, その他
分野外:パーティー, トーク・イベント, パフォーマンス・アート, 一般公募展
このアプリケーションは東京アートビートの情報を使っています。(http://tokyoartbeat.com) All listings are provided by Tokyo Art Beat and availability depends entirely on their generosity in providing a free API and upon the availability of their servers. More information about the API can be found here:
http://www.tokyoartbeat.com/resources/doc/apiSome parts of this application use the mobile interface of tokyoartbeat.com to access extended show details and gallery details.
Oct 12th: Follow Tokyo Art on Twitter for news
Aug 18th: Version 1.1 of Tokyo Art is now live on the app store. This is a great update which makes browsing event lists much faster. I hope you like it!
July 28th: Version 1.1 has been submitted to the app store and should be ready in one to three weeks. 1.1 has many speed improvements to make browsing events even quicker.

You can browse art events by areas in Tokyo. You can see some of the new icons for Custom lists, as well as settings (There's a large text setting now).

Or you can browse by art categories.

Each takes you to a list of events with some information. New is search and maps. You can view all results or search the list. You can view the filtered list (or all results) on a single map.

Click on one to find more detailed information, including a great description, opening hours and price. There's also a map button to see the location, including your current position.

Here's a search term. I'm searching the "新宿" custom list for shows with the word 写真. The search works on the description, name and gallery name.

Also new in 2.0 is a great map page. You can access a map from any list, scroll around and view details of any exhibition. It also shows your current location. Look how many free shows there are!

Of course you can still search nearby for shows using the GPS. The results appear in a list, which can then all be viewed on a map. You can still filter for free only, and show results in order of popularity.